What is gluten free fours and types of gluten free fours??
Gluten free flour It is very important for food production students and chefs to know about gluten free fours as the demand for the same are increasing constantly. Types of gluten free fours Amaranath - It is a green leafy vegetable related to spinach and brets. Tiny weds of this plant are often ground into nutritious flour. Itis light brown in colour and has a nutty aroma. Pulse flour - There are the seeds of many edible legumes and can be ground into flours for a in gluten free breads. Chickpea flour is very commonly used in India and Mediterranean countries. Chestnut Flour - It is a smooth shelled nut it is usually roasted and ground into flour. In India It is called singharey ka atta and is commonly eaten during fasting. Barley flour - Made from the pearl barley, it has low gluten content with mild flavour Cottonseed flour - The seeds are commonly used for making margarines or cooking oils, but these seeds can be ground into flour which is qu...