EQUIPMENT USED IN THE KITCHENS A professional kitchen set-up can be very confusing for beginners, At times it looks like a science laboratory where people are performing experiments. It looks so because the sparkling kitchens are adorned with sophisticated machines and equipment. Chefs use equipment and utensils in the kitchen to cook meals. Equipment can be further classified as the following Capital Equipment These are also known as large equipment or fixed equipment and they include ovens, gas ranges, and grillers. This equipment is usually fixed and inventoried. Inventory is a procedure followed to audit the physical presence of the equipment. The capital expenditure would depreciate over the period of time and hence it would include items that are expensive to buy. The inventories can be done quarterly or annually depending on a hotel's policy. Operational Equipment These are used directly to operate the basic jobs in cooking and all the utensils, moulds, knives, etc. a...